Where to Find Asbestos and Mold in Your Alberta Home
Asbestos and mold are hazardous substances that can pose significant health risks if disturbed or left untreated. Understanding where these substances are commonly found in your Alberta home is crucial for maintaining a safe living environment. Asbestos: A Silent Threat Asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral, was widely used in construction materials for decades due to its fire-resistant, insulating properties, and tensile strength. While its use has been banned in Canada since the 1980s, many older homes still contain asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Common Locations for Asbestos in Alberta Homes: Insulation: Loose-fill, vermiculite, and spray-on fireproofing insulation often contain asbestos. Wallboard and Plaster: Textured coatings, joint compounds, and plaster often